Grado, Italy
22 - 24 May 2003
Picture galleryProgramme
The CR Secretary General Report
Report on the Plenary Sessions of the 21st Annual Conference
President Lefty Kongalides: Welcome speech to CR membersCoproductions at the 21st CR conference
The themes of the Conference were:
- Connecting the Regions of Europe - Challenging an enlarged Europe: The Connecting Role of Regional and Local TV; Benchmarking of Regional Television Models in Europe
- Connecting Experiences - "Why Should your Regional TV Model Be Better than Mine"
- Connecting Contents - The programming models; The Mix between Regional News and other Regional Content; "News - Going Local"
- Connecting Broadcasters - "Coproductions: Mission Possible or Impossible"; Models; "New Successful Regional Formats - Low Cost, High Quality"
- Connecting Communities - "The Broadcast Democratic Duty"
- Connecting Europe - Candidate Countries
- Connecting People and Stories - Multi-skill; When the Big Story Happens
- Connecting with the web
- Connecting Digital