Citizenship and Election Process
(September - December 2014)
2nd CIRCOM Regional Citizenship coproduction project – Citizenship and Election Process - was launched on May 9th 2014 during the CIRCOM Regional Annual Conference session "Cooperation & Coproductions".
This new coproduction project follows the big success of the first Citizenship project, which gathered more than 20 millions viewers all around Europe, and offered to CIRCOM Regional member stations more than 150 stories to broadcast.
The second project will continue to offer to CIRCOM Regional concrete ways forward in cooperation & coproduction. The aim of the project is to maintain and develop the unique opportunity for a number European Regional Stations to produce items on common themes related to European Citizenship with the emphasis on the European election process. The common themes were defined based on the themes that emerged in the regions of 8 active members during the electoral campaign.
The themes of the project are:
1. Crisis effects
Grow and jobs, energy & sustainable development, using public money, stealing personal data, bureaucracy, transparency, lack of confidence in the politics, innovation
If interested in broadcasting reportages produced - free to all CR member stations - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Regulation & global market
Traditions, agriculture, stealing personal data, using public money, lack of confidence in the politics
If interested in broadcasting reportages produced - free to all CR member stations - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Integration – Separation
Nationalism, separatism, euroskepticism-phobism, immigration, lack of confidence in the politics, populism
If interested in broadcasting reportages produced - free to all CR member stations - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4. Transparency, Bureaucracy and Corruption
Using public money, stealing personal data, bureaucracy, transparency, lack of confidence in the politics
If interested in broadcasting reportages produced - free to all CR member stations - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As a starting point of this new project, a specific action was made during the Election night on May 25th 2014 in the European Parliament in Brussels. CIRCOM Regional produced a round up of the member stations’ correspondents in Brussels in order to show how CIRCOM Regional members covered the Election night.
All CIRCOM members have the opportunity to propose items related to the themes, and all CIRCOM members have access to the entire collection of items produced. Thus a wide European broadcasting will be enabled. This operation shows a great commitment of Regional Public Media in the public debate about the future of the European citizens.
The European Parliament granted the project, which is coordinated by Alexandre Pletser and includes 8 strongly committed member stations:
BNT - Българска Национална Телевизия
HRT - Hrvatska Radiotelevizija
RAI - Radiotelevisione italiana
RTBF - Radio Television Belge de la Communaute Française
RTVSLO - Radiotelevizija Slovenija
Members who are interested in joining the project should contact Alexandre Pletser for more information.

Coproduction Coordinator
RTBF, Belgium
tel: +32 2 737 41 98
mob: +32 475 94 01 00
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
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